Hello families! We are so excited to have you join us for a Virtual First Look Experience!
We hope this is an exciting way to celebrate Easter all month long - Jesus died and came back so that each and every one of us can have a relationship with Him! In order to keep it simple, we have laid out the experience in 2 simple steps. (Note: If you have a child in K - 5th, check out the Virtual Village Kid Experience as well!)
Have fun!
Step 1: Worship & Bible Story
This video has two worship songs for kids, and we encouraging dancing and singing along! The video continues with Ollie & the crew at The Clubhouse sharing all about the Bible story and how to apply it to our lives! Finally, Carrie says the memory verse, providing some motions to help them remember it and tuck it away in their hearts.
(Video not playing? Watch it here!)
Step 2: Complete the Family Guide
Head in to your small group - hint: that's your family - and work on the Family Challenge and activities in the Family Guide! (The Family Challenge can be found on this page, below the Family Guide; or, you can find it on our Facebook page!)
Family Challenge
For this week’s Family Challenge, you are joining the K-5th graders in the BOTTLE FLIP CHALLENGE! Spend some time flipping a plastic bottle so that it lands standing upright. Grab a parent and have them practice with you! (And if you aren't sure you can do it, check out this toddler doing a successful bottle flip! Okay, now there are no excuses.) Step 1: Once you are feeling pretty confident with your skills, you need to take a video of at least two members of your household - one kid and one adult - successfully flipping a plastic bottle. Or, if you have multiple kids/adults who all want to shine, film everybody doing it! (Note: they can be separate videos for each person. Or, if you can all land a bottle flip together and catch it on one video, that's awesome, too!) Step 2: Then, post your video on this week's Facebook Post or in our private Facebook Group with the hashtag #BottleFlipChallege. Don't forget the hashtag, or we might not see it! Everyone who posts videos of at least one kid and one adult gets ONE entry for a prize drawing! There are no additional entries for sharing more videos, but please feel free to post a video of any family members who want to play!
Bonus: Additional Resources
If your family would like to continue the conversation throughout the week, check out the Parent Cue Cards linked below! Parent Cues are a great way for us as families to initiate conversations and engage our kids in the time we already have together.
Babies: Monthly Parent Cue
Toddler/2's: Monthly Parent Cue
Prefer technology? Download the Parent Cue App